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موضوع: 16-year-old Haitian found alive 15 days after quake

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    پیش فرض 16-year-old Haitian found alive 15 days after quake

    Rescuers in Haiti have found a girl alive under the debris 15 days after the strong quake severely jolted and ruined large parts of the Caribbean island nation.

    Amid public despair and frustration from two weeks of chaos, the capital city Port-au-Prince was presented with a beacon of hope on Thursday following the rescue of the 16-year-old Darlene Etienne, who thanked her rescuers with a great effort by whispering "thank you."

    "She just said 'thank you;' she's very weak, which suggests that she's been there for 15 days," rescue team Commander Samuel Bernes told AFP.

    "She was in a pocket surrounded by concrete, completely dehydrated," he said.

    Her family said Darlene had just begun her college classes when the quake hit Haiti, and they thought she was killed in the disaster.

    At least 135 people have been pulled out alive from the quake debris.

    According to Haitian authorities the 7-magnitude earthquake has killed around 170,000, though many aid groups estimate that the final death toll will surpass 200,000.


  2. 2 کاربر از پست مفید AvAstiN سپاس کرده اند .

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  1. تمام آثار ژان میشل ژار از سال 1973 تا 2007
    توسط LaDy Ds DeMoNa در انجمن موسیقی خارجی
    پاسخ ها: 0
    آخرين نوشته: 3rd January 2010, 09:13 AM

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