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موضوع: Obama warns Iran of 'growing consequences'

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    پیش فرض Obama warns Iran of 'growing consequences'

    In his first State of Union address to Congress, US President Barack Obama warned Iran that it will face "growing consequences" over its nuclear work if ignores its “obligations.”

    He used his address to Congress on Wednesday to show how he intends to govern in the next three years. He also delivered a warning to Iran.

    President Obama claimed diplomatic efforts had "strengthened" the US position in dealing with countries that he said are violating international agreements, referring to Iran and North Korea.

    "That is why the international community is more united, and the Islamic Republic of Iran is more isolated. And as Iran's leaders continue to ignore their obligations, there should be no doubt: they, too, will face growing consequences," he said.

    He also accused Iran of "violating international agreements in pursuit of" nuclear weapons.

    Iran says its nuclear program is directed at the civilian applications of the technology and is in line with the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty, to which it is a signatory.

    On Wednesday, a senior US official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would seek support for new UN Security Council sanctions against Iran during her stay in London this week.

    According to the official, the former first lady will hold private meetings with the foreign ministers of Russia, China, Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to garner support for new Iran sanctions.

    Earlier this month, the five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany (P5+1) met in New York and failed to agree on a new round of sanctions.

    During the meeting, Russia and China called for patience and restraint in dealing with Iran over its nuclear program.


  2. کاربرانی که از پست مفید AvAstiN سپاس کرده اند.

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  1. معرفی: سایتهای مرتبط با ایران در دایرکتوری یاهو
    توسط A.L.I در انجمن معرفی سایتها و وبلاگها
    پاسخ ها: 0
    آخرين نوشته: 20th January 2009, 01:26 PM

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