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موضوع: Iranians find new strains of tuberculosis

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    پیش فرض Iranians find new strains of tuberculosis

    Iranians find new strains of tuberculosis

    Iranian researchers have discovered two new strains of tubercles bacillus, which are believed to be resistant to the existing treatments.

    Ali Akbar Velayati, the head of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Disorders Research Center, told IRIB News Agency that neither of the existing medications is capable of treating the newly-discovered strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

    He added that the two strains were discovered by Dr Farnian from Tuberculosis and Respiratory Disorders Research Center in two separate joint studies conducted in collaboration with Malaysian and Belarus researchers.

    Velayati went on to say that Iranian scientists have also succeeded in producing nano-crystals which can penetrate the membrane of the drug-resistant tubercles bacillus, adding that this finding can pave the way for the development of new anti-TB medication.

    The head of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Disorders Research Center added that drug-resistant tuberculosis has become a global concern, turning tuberculosis into a fatal disease.

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