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توجه داشته باشید، در صورتی که عضو سایت نباشید نمی توانید از تمامی امکانات و خدمات سایت استفاده کنید.
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موضوع: انرژی ها نو

  1. #1
    کـــــــاربر فــــعال
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    پیش فرض انرژی ها نو

    در این تاپیک کتابهای الکترونیکی و مقالات ایرانی و خارجی در مورد انرژی های نو قرار میگیرد
    ویرایش توسط ریپورتر : 10th July 2010 در ساعت 06:49 PM

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  2. 2 کاربر از پست مفید ریپورتر سپاس کرده اند .

  3. #2
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    پیش فرض پاسخ : انرزی ها نو

    سری اول در مورد انرژی باد هستش و فعلا روی این قضیه هستیم تا موضوع بعدی که اعلام بشه

    Energy is an essential part of life. We
    use energy to move and to breathe.
    We even use it when we are sleeping!
    This energy is supplied by the food we eat.
    We also use energy to power the things that
    make our lives easier and more comfortable. We use fuel
    in vehicles and to heat our homes. We use electricity to run
    lights, computers, and televisions. This energy has mainly been
    supplied by fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural gas.
    More and more, however, people are looking to new sources of
    energy—such as wind—to power our world.
    Put simply, wind is moving air. This type of energy—the
    energy of motion—is called kinetic energy. Although we
    cannot see the air moving, we can feel it. The wind might be
    a soft breeze that barely ruffl es our hair or a strong gust that
    pushes us from one spot to another. Throughout history, people
    have captured the energy from moving air and used it to power
    vehicles, such as sailboats, or to operate machinery, such as
    Early Windmills
    The windmill was the fi rst machine designed to use the power
    of wind to do work. Early windmills were invented in the
    Middle East. They were used to pump water and to grind grain
    into fl our. These windmills looked very different from the
    ویرایش توسط ریپورتر : 10th July 2010 در ساعت 07:16 PM

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  4. کاربرانی که از پست مفید ریپورتر سپاس کرده اند.

  5. #3
    کـــــــاربر فــــعال
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    ریپورتر's: خوشحال2

    پیش فرض پاسخ : انرزی ها نو

    traditional Dutch windmills
    most people picture when
    they think of these machines.
    The first windmills used up
    to 12 sails, which hung from
    horizontal poles attached to a
    vertical post. (A horizontal pole
    runs parallel to the ground; a vertical
    post is up and down, at a right angle to the ground.) In the
    case of a grinding mill, the grinding stone was attached to the
    same vertical post. The wind would cause the post to rotate, or
    turn, which caused the grinding stone to move. This is called
    a panemone design. Because the sails hang down all around
    the post, this type of windmill can catch the wind from any
    direction. The sails of these windmills do not have to be turned
    into the wind.
    Windmills were introduced
    in Europe in the twelfth
    century. According to some
    historians, soldiers returning
    from the Crusades carried the
    idea for the structures home
    with them from the Middle

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  6. #4
    کـــــــاربر فــــعال
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    ریپورتر's: خوشحال2

    پیش فرض پاسخ : انرزی ها نو

    East. (During the Crusades,
    which occurred during medieval
    times, Christians from Europe
    fought to take control of the
    Holy Land from Muslims.) The
    fi rst illustrations of a European
    windmill are from 1270 A.D. They
    show a design that is different
    from the Middle Eastern type of
    windmill. The European windmill
    featured four sails, or blades,
    mounted on a horizontal post,
    which was attached to a gear
    inside the building. A vertical
    post inside the building was
    attached to the same gear. As the
    horizontal post spun, it moved
    the gear, which turned the
    vertical post. The vertical post
    provided power to a grinding
    stone. This type of windmill was
    called a post mill. The entire
    structure could be manually
    rotated so that the blades would
    be facing into the wind.
    The structure was later
    improved so that only the top
    of the mill, where the blades
    were mounted, moved—not the entire structure. This type of
    windmill was called a tower mill. In the eighteenth century,

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  7. #5
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    پیش فرض پاسخ : انرزی ها نو

    another improvement
    came in the form of
    something called a fantail.
    This small wheel, mounted
    at the top of the tower
    mill, automatically turns
    the blades into the wind.
    People around the world
    still use windmills for the
    traditional tasks of raising
    water or grinding grain.
    Since the early 1980s,
    however, people have
    been using wind power
    to generate electricity.
    There is a great deal of
    excitement about using wind power to generate electricity
    because the wind is a completely renewable, clean source of
    energy. The same cannot be said for the fossil fuels that supply
    the majority of energy in the world today.
    To create electricity, most power plants, or power stations,
    burn fossil fuels to boil water. The steam produced by the
    boiling water is then heated further so that it has enough
    pressure to turn the blades on devices called turbines. The
    blades are on one end of a long pole, or rod. The rod is
    connected to a generator. The generator uses large magnets
    and metal coils to produce electricity.

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  8. #6
    کـــــــاربر فــــعال
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    ریپورتر's: خوشحال2

    پیش فرض پاسخ : انرزی ها نو

    What Are Fossil Fuels?
    As plants and animals die, they decompose (break down) in the
    earth. Over time, they become covered with layers of dirt. After
    millions of years, these plant and animal remains turn into fossil
    fuels. Fossil fuels can be solid, liquid, or gaseous—coal, oil, or
    natural gas. People burn fossil fuels to produce energy. A home,
    for example, may be heated by oil or natural gas. A power plant
    may burn coal to produce electricity. For many years, fossil fuels
    have been a readily available, fairly inexpensive way to provide
    energy, so they have been widely used. In fact, fossil fuels
    currently provide 85 percent of the energy used in the United
    States. Unfortunately, however, there are problems associated
    with people’s dependence on fossil fuels.
    Fossil fuels are called nonrenewable energy sources. It
    took millions of years for the fossil fuels we rely on today to
    form. Once we have used up all of the coal, oil, and natural
    gas currently under Earth’s surface, there will be no more coal,
    oil, or natural gas to replace them. Fossil fuels are being used
    much faster than they can form. It is impossible to determine
    exactly how much longer these resources will last. Many
    experts think, however, that our coal reserves may not last
    longer than 130 more years. They expect oil and natural gas
    to run out even sooner.
    Fossil Fuels and the Environment
    Another problem with fossil fuels is the negative impact they
    have on the environment. Burning fossil fuels creates a type
    of pollution called soot. These tiny particles mix with water
    particles in the sky to create smog—a gray-brown haze that
    hangs in the air. Smog has been linked to lung disorders such

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  9. #7
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    پیش فرض پاسخ : انرزی ها نو

    as bronchitis and asthma.
    According to experts, the
    pollution from coal-fi red plants
    is responsible for more than
    23,000 premature (early) deaths
    in the United States every year.
    In contrast, the technology used
    in the wind industry gives off no
    harmful emissions. The wind
    industry has recorded only one
    death among members of the
    public (people who are not wind
    industry workers) in 20 years of
    operation. The person killed was
    a German skydiver who fl ew off
    course and parachuted into a
    wind plant.
    When coal and oil are
    burned, they give off, or emit,
    sulfur dioxide and nitrogen
    oxides. When these chemicals
    mix with other compounds in
    the atmosphere, such as water
    and oxygen, they create a toxic
    (poisonous) solution of sulfuric
    acid and nitric acid. If these
    chemicals are present in areas
    where there is wet weather, they
    create acid rain (which also
    includes acid fog, snow, and

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  10. #8
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    پیش فرض پاسخ : انرزی ها نو

    mist). Acid rain can harm and
    even kill trees, fi sh, and other
    living creatures where it falls.
    In the United States, about
    two-thirds of all sulfur dioxide
    and one-quarter of nitrogen
    oxides in the air come from
    power plants that create
    electricity by burning fossil
    fuels such as coal.
    The burning of fossil fuels
    also releases greenhouse
    gases, such as carbon
    dioxide and methane.
    Some greenhouses gases are
    found naturally in Earth’s
    atmosphere. They help
    keep the planet’s temperature stable. Sunlight passes through
    the atmosphere to strike Earth. Some of the solar energy is
    absorbed, and a large amount of it bounces back toward space.
    Some of the solar energy that bounces back is trapped by the
    greenhouse gases that are naturally in the atmosphere. If the
    right amount of solar energy is radiated back into space, the
    surface temperature of Earth will remain generally constant.
    Unfortunately, the emission of greenhouse gases—such as
    those created by burning fossil fuels—is upsetting this balance.
    In the past 150 years, there has been a 25 percent increase
    in the level of certain greenhouse gases, especially carbon
    dioxide, in the atmosphere. Normally, the process of plant
    photosynthesis naturally regulates concentrations of carbon

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  11. #9
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    پیش فرض پاسخ : انرزی ها نو

    dioxide. Unfortunately, human activity produces so many
    tons of carbon dioxide emissions that there is too much for
    the world’s plant life to absorb. This imbalance has led to an
    ongoing increase in concentrations of greenhouse gases in the
    atmosphere. Experts have determined that, over time, the rising
    concentration of these gases will produce an increase in Earth’s
    surface temperature. Most scientists believe that these rising
    temperatures may lead to changes in sea level, precipitation
    (such as rainfall), and the seriousness of storms. This warming
    of Earth’s surface and atmosphere is commonly referred to as
    global warming or global climate change.
    Climate change could affect every part of the planet. As
    glaciers and large sheets of ice start to melt, sea levels could rise,
    causing small islands and coastal lands to become flooded. As the
    glaciers continue to shrink, other areas that rely on glacial runoff
    from mountains for fresh water could face a severe shortage
    of water. Rainfall in other areas could decrease drastically.
    A Sustainable Solution
    Global demand for all forms of energy is expected to grow
    by more than 44 percent by the year 2030. Since there are
    problems associated with the traditional use of fossil fuels,
    many people think that finding alternative energy sources—
    sustainable energy sources—should be a priority. Sustainable
    energy sources can help meet the world’s needs without
    harming the environment or depleting all of the resources.
    To meet that goal, experts are looking at renewable energy
    sources, such as wind, solar, and water power.
    Wind energy is one of the fastest growing energy fields in
    the world. The global capacity for wind power (in other words,

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  12. #10
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    پیش فرض پاسخ : انرزی ها نو

    the ability to produce electricity and other forms of usable
    energy from wind power) increased 27 percent in 2007. In
    2008, the United States added 8,358 megawatts (MW) of
    wind-powered electricity. That is enough to power 2 million
    homes. Currently, wind power supplies only 5 percent of the
    energy used in the United States. The U.S. Department of
    Energy (DOE) wants that to increase to 20 percent by 2030.
    Right now, wind power is used to supplement (add to) other
    forms of electricity. It cannot meet all of the energy needs of
    the United States now—or even in the near future. There are
    several factors that limit our ability to rely more strongly on
    the wind for electricity. However, improvements in technology
    continue to propel wind power in the right direction.

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  13. کاربرانی که از پست مفید ریپورتر سپاس کرده اند.

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موضوعات مشابه

  1. توضیح و کمک درباره تبدیل گرما به برق
    توسط moji5 در انجمن سوالات تالار اختراعات و نو آوری
    پاسخ ها: 44
    آخرين نوشته: 11th December 2012, 08:11 PM

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