دوست عزیز، به سایت علمی نخبگان جوان خوش آمدید

مشاهده این پیام به این معنی است که شما در سایت عضو نیستید، لطفا در صورت تمایل جهت عضویت در سایت علمی نخبگان جوان اینجا کلیک کنید.

توجه داشته باشید، در صورتی که عضو سایت نباشید نمی توانید از تمامی امکانات و خدمات سایت استفاده کنید.
نمایش نتایج: از شماره 1 تا 1 , از مجموع 1

موضوع: گلدان شيشهاي بدون خاك

  1. #1
    کـــــــاربر فــــعال
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    دریافت تشکر: 20,366
    قدرت امتیاز دهی

    پیش فرض گلدان شيشهاي بدون خاك

    Breathe Easy is an aeroponic growing system designed to improve home air quality. It utilizes toxin absorbing plants that clean the air and add humidity. It also doesn’t hurt to bring some of nature’s green indoors too. The plants are held in place by magnetic seals in the top opening. It’s a little confusing since the renders don’t say much but the familiar gel based nutrient substrate is tried and true. As an added touch, a row of LED lights line the bottom for some nice ground effects.
    In recent years, numerous reports have surfaced pointing out all the poisons that linger in our air indoors. You’re really not to blame. It’s just most homes have poor air circulation. No matter how hard architects try, they can’t plan for variables like appliances and furniture, both of which contribute to the problem. Breathe Easy is an attempt (we’ve seen similar before) to address this problem in a natural way. Like previous concepts - the system isn’t self sustaining since plants require care, no matter how automated the system. My issue with the Breathe Easy are the exposed plant roots. To make it worse, the LED lights illuminate the root system, not the beautiful orchids above.
    Designer: Paul Thomas


  2. 6 کاربر از پست مفید وحید 0319 سپاس کرده اند .

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