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موضوع: English phrasal Verbs using in

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    پیش فرض English phrasal Verbs using in

    English phrasal Verbs using in

    There are many English phrasal verbs that use 'in'. Here is a selection of some of the more common

    break in (1) = interrupt: "He broke in to their conversation to add that he couldn't work overtime

    break in / into (2) = burgle / steal: "Thieves broke into the warehouse and stole 100 computers
    bring in (1) = introduce: "She has brought in some changes to the company

    bring in (2) = receive income: "He brings in a lot of money as a computer programmer

    cave in = accept someone's idea or decision: "The unions finally caved in and accepted the new contracts
    chip in = contribute: "We're all chipping in for Maria's birthday present

    fill in (1) = complete: "You need to fill in this form

    fill in (2) = act as a substitute: "As Robert is on holiday, you'll have to fill in for him this week

    fill in (3) = bring someone up to date: "Can you fill me in on the new project

    fit in = be accepted by a group: "He doesn't really fit in at work. He's very different from us

    give in = finally accept something: "She gave in to her children's demands for sweets

    hand in = give something to someone: "They handed in their assignment early

    kick in = start to have an effect: "The painkillers have finally kicked in. I feel much better

    lead in = start with something: "In our presentation, we are going to lead in with our vision for the future

    move in = occupy a house: "Some new neighbours have moved in next door

    take in (1) = understand: "I still can't take in the news
    take in (2) = deceive someone: "He really took me in with his hard-luck story
    take in (3) = provide refuge: "She took the old couple in

    work in
    = incorporate: "Is there any way of working in this paragraph? The text is a little unclear otherwise

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    آسایش رنجوران و مرهم خستگان است
    شفای درد و طبیب بیمار دلان است.

  2. کاربرانی که از پست مفید matrix سپاس کرده اند.

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موضوعات مشابه

  1. كتابهاي معروف English Grammar In Use هر ۳ جلد
    توسط moji5 در انجمن English Learning Books
    پاسخ ها: 0
    آخرين نوشته: 4th October 2009, 05:55 PM
  2. English for Work: Everyday Business English
    توسط moji5 در انجمن Conversation
    پاسخ ها: 0
    آخرين نوشته: 2nd October 2009, 03:37 PM
  3. تست زبان
    توسط ملارسولی در انجمن Others Exam
    پاسخ ها: 1
    آخرين نوشته: 17th May 2009, 03:01 PM

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