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موضوع: did you know

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  1. #1
    دوست آشنا
    رشته تحصیلی
    English Methadology
    نوشته ها
    ارسال تشکر
    دریافت تشکر: 1,114
    قدرت امتیاز دهی
    انریکه's: جدید71

    Post did you know

    DID YOU KNOW …..?

    The muscles in your heart have the strength to shoot your blood 10 meters in the air?

    Elephants are the only animals that cannot jump.

    The body’s strongest muscle is our tongue

    Statistically, people are more afraid of spiders than they are of dying

    All polar bears are left handed

    Crocodiles cannot stick out their tongue

    Butterflies taste with their feet

    A cockroach can live 9 days without it’s head. It only dies because it cannot eat.

    A duck’s quack has no echo, and nobody knows why

    It is impossible to sneeze
    with your eye’s open

    Multiplying 111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321

    Starfish have no brains

    A statue in a park with a soldier on a horse with it’s 2 feet in the air means
    the soldier died in combat.
    If the horse has only 1 foot in the air,
    the soldier died of injuries from combat.
    If the horse has all 4 feet on the ground, the soldier died of natural causes.

    =polar bearsخرس های قطبی
    cockroach =سوسک گرمابه
    Statistically=از روی آمار

    just for today

  2. 4 کاربر از پست مفید انریکه سپاس کرده اند .

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